What's new?
Exciting news, loopers! The island's snow has melted, unveiling the fresh grass for your in-game exploration. That means, that you now can touch grass without going outdoors!
Super Slurp has made a return - but this time Gnom isn't involved! The Gnomes have been working on constructing some type of building, but no one has really understood what it was going to be in the end - until now! The building is officially complete (at least according to the prime minister Gnome) and inside there's a vault, and inside the vault there's Super Slurp Juice!
Although, be aware when slurping up the new interesting Slurp, there have been incidents before since it was proven to be a little explosive...
No more snow, no more snowballs! The Winter-themed weapons (and items) have been vaulted due to the higher temperatures.
Weapons + Items
Below you'll find a list of everything that changed in the loot pool:
Snowball Launcher (Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary variants)
Sneaky Snowman
Chiller Grenade
Frozen Ice Cream Cone
Rocket Launcher (Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary variants)
Harpoon Gun
Armored Wall
Chug Cannon
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue when sound appeared when opening chests close to Splendid Streets
Fixed an issue causing the minimap not to be updated
Fixed an issue causing the Burst Assault Rifle to be a lot more difficult to find - it now has the correct chance of appearing in Loot Chests
Fixed an issue where you could walk under the water west of Rustic Remnants
Fixed an issue where some props didn't show up in HLOD